Pregnancy and Birth

Congratulations on your pregnancy.. Our pregnancy and birth page is full of information, advice and guidance from 0 -40 weeks, preparing for birth and dealing with multiple pregnancies.

We also cover health with our A-Z of health topics to help you understand and learn about the minor complaints during pregnancy to major complications that some of you may encounter.

You will want to be comfortable throughout your pregnancy, having a well fitting support bra and leading to a nursing bra, we have some advice and guidance on where to go and what to buy to show off your gorgeous baby bump.

Online Interactive Antenatal Classes From NowBaby Live

Join NowBaby Live Antenatal classes from the comfort of your own home! All NowBaby Live Antenatal classes are hosted live by midwives and are totally interactive! Are all your NHS hospital courses fully booked? Can't get childcare? Hospital [...]


MIDWIVES should give new mums advice on how to properly care for their C section scars

  MIDWIVES should give new mums advice on how to properly care for their C section scars, experts have concluded It comes as new research reveals the devastating drop in self-confidence suffered by 40 per cent of mothers who undergo [...]


Gender Disappointment: How Do We Tell Our Friends?

Every parent can agree that nothing beats the rush of learning that you're expecting. Coincidentally, it's natural for parents to wish for either a boy or girl, and really feel that their gut feeling will later be validated. However, discovering [...]


7 Things Women Secretly Wish Men Knew About Pregnancy

Pregnancy is altogether a new and different chapter in people’s life. Partners tend to experience feelings about each other which they probably didn’t even think they would go through. They know that once the baby arrives, their lives are going [...]


Pregnant women in Britain are over eating in their 3rd trimester according to study

Pregnant Britons Are Consuming 530 Calories More Per Day In Their Third Trimester Than Is Recommended New research into how British women cope during pregnancy has revealed that, on average, pregnant women eat 2,930 calories per day during their third [...]


The impact of alcohol on your fertility

Ahead of Alcohol Awareness Week (13– 19th November), Dr Venkat discusses the impact of alcohol on your fertility Current NHS guidelines suggest that women should avoid drinking alcohol altogether if they’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, in order to [...]

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