Will you be welcoming the Easter Bunny this year? If you’re bracing yourself for this weekend’s onslaught of all things chocolate, dreading the confectionery overkill and its effects on the children, and wondering if there’s any way of avoiding the Easter Bunny this year, be reassured that more and more parents across the UK are doing just that!

Your Easter Weekend…

For many of us in the UK, our family Easter weekend typically involves chocolate eggs, decorations and perhaps a specially prepared meal.

However, a study* has discovered that more than one fifth, 21% of parents are planning to scrap their plans for Easter this year, with the majority of these stating that they simply can’t afford it.

The parents polled were initially asked if they had celebrated Easter (e.g. by purchasing chocolate eggs, Easter decorations, going out to dinner, giving Easter gifts etc.), with the majority admitting that they had done so. When asked if they would be spending money on Easter this year, just 3/4 of the total respondents stated that they would be doing so.

Of the 21% of parents who confessed that they would not be spending any money this Easter, the majority admitted that they could not afford to celebrate the holiday this year, whilst a few believing that Easter spending was a waste of money.

When asked the majority of participants said that they would still be participating in Easter celebrations this year and disclosed that they would be spending money, and they estimated what they were expecting to spend on each element.

The results were revealed as follows:

  1. Easter egg- £5.50 each
  2. Meal out at restaurant/drinks/grocery supplies for dinner- £94.00
  3. Easter presents/cards- – £17.00
  4. Easter decorations/accessories/toys- £22.00
  5. Other – £10.00

Taking into consideration that respondents disclosed that they would be purchasing an average of five chocolate eggs this year, from these figures it emerges that families will be spending an estimated £170.50 on Easter this year.

*The research, conducted by www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk 

The research polled a total of 1,929 parents for the purpose of the study. Each respondent had at least one child aged ten and under.