The very first step in learning about maximising your chances of conceiving is to understand ovulation and the most basic mechanics of how your body operates each month.

This video looks at the female ovulation cycle so that you can see just why you’re most fertile on certain days and when you’re most likely to conceive

Credit: March of Dimes

Understanding your body’s cycle is one of the most important things you need to do to maximize fertility. Some women who are TTC are unaware of how their ovulation cycle functions and how to use it to their advantage to give themselves the best chances of becoming pregnant.

Ovulation in itself isn’t difficult to understand, but it does become complicated when you consider that everyone has a different cycle. Once you become familiar with your cycle, you’ll have access to the greatest tool for becoming pregnant that nature has provided for you.

There are different tools available that can make ovulation tracking easy and help you understand your cycle.

BUT every woman’s body and ovulation is different.

It is commonly believed that a woman will ovulate exactly during the middle of their cycle. However, every woman is unique and so is her cycle. The follicular phase mostly determines the length of the cycle because it can vary heavily whereas for most women the luteal phase lasts 13 or 14 days.

This is why many people calculate their ovulation day by counting back 14 days from their next period. However in case of an abnormal luteal phase or an irregular cycle this method is not viable.

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